Chickens and Turkeys
Due to the lapse of a previous USDA exemption for North Carolina, all poultry sold in North Carolina must be processed by the farm where the poultry was raised under inspection of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, or a USDA inspected processor. There are no USDA inspected poultry processors in North Carolina. We hope to get the necessary equipment this year and obtain our North Carolina license to sell poultry we raise. Until then, we have no poultry products available.
We raise poultry the way it's meant to be raised. Outdoors, with free access to roam. Chickens and turkeys are ordered from trusted, small hatcheries that provide superior quality birds. When they arrive, we start them in a brooder box with plenty of fresh water and a locally sourced, non-GMO feed that is completely sourced and milled in North Carolina. After a couple of weeks of growing and feathering out, we move them outside where they have access to shelter and are free to roam and range, hunting and pecking at bugs, grass, and whatever other creepy crawlies they can get their little beaks on. We continue to supplement their free ranging for their lifetime on the same non-GMO feed that they start out with in the brooder box (we do go to a lower protein feed after a couple of weeks). The results are birds that grow fast, which allows us to process them when they are young, and at the peak of tenderness. Chickens are generally processed at 8-10 weeks of age, and turkeys are processed at 14-18 weeks of age.
Chickens are generally available year round, but we do run out between processing times. Turkeys are more seasonal, and generally available late fall for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Available Chicken:
*All prices are per pound
Whole Chicken - $7.5
Gizzards - $6
Liver - $6
Feet - $7
We raise poultry the way it's meant to be raised. Outdoors, with free access to roam. Chickens and turkeys are ordered from trusted, small hatcheries that provide superior quality birds. When they arrive, we start them in a brooder box with plenty of fresh water and a locally sourced, non-GMO feed that is completely sourced and milled in North Carolina. After a couple of weeks of growing and feathering out, we move them outside where they have access to shelter and are free to roam and range, hunting and pecking at bugs, grass, and whatever other creepy crawlies they can get their little beaks on. We continue to supplement their free ranging for their lifetime on the same non-GMO feed that they start out with in the brooder box (we do go to a lower protein feed after a couple of weeks). The results are birds that grow fast, which allows us to process them when they are young, and at the peak of tenderness. Chickens are generally processed at 8-10 weeks of age, and turkeys are processed at 14-18 weeks of age.
Chickens are generally available year round, but we do run out between processing times. Turkeys are more seasonal, and generally available late fall for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Available Chicken:
*All prices are per pound
Whole Chicken - $7.5
Gizzards - $6
Liver - $6
Feet - $7
Duck, while technically poultry, is a dark meat that more closely resembles beef. We raise Muscovy ducks (which are actually more closely related to the goose than the duck) here on the farm. These are large ducks that can dress out to 8 plus pounds within 6 months. Our ducks are never purchased from a hatchery. We were fortunate to have a local contact (another farmer who we previously bought goods from prior to trying this out on our own) who sold many Muscovy ducklings to us that we have raised into our current flock. Now, we just watch to see when the babies appear. Generally a Muscovy hen will hatch about a dozen or so ducklings, and you never know when that will happen. The ducklings stay with their mother hen until they decide they are big enough to venture out on their own. We never have to use a brooder box, and we never lock them up in any way. Their days are spent swimming in the pond, flying around the farm, and waddling through the pastures or lounging in the shade. They are FANTASTIC at helping keep the fly population in check. We do not feed them any kind of feed (other than a treat of whichever of our non-GMO feeds we happen to be working with when they show up - primarily to get them out from under our feet while we are at the barn). They are as free-range as you can get.
Duck is currently available. See below for a list of available cuts - all prices are per pound:
If you would like to purchase duck, please contact us.
Duck is currently available. See below for a list of available cuts - all prices are per pound:
- Whole Duck - $8
- Half Duck - $10
- Leg Quarters - $10
- Wings - $12 - SOLD OUT
- Backs - $4
- Liver - $5 - SOLD OUT
- Gizzards - $5 - SOLD OUT
- Hearts - $5 - SOLD OUT
If you would like to purchase duck, please contact us.