This is Dolly, the pride and joy of Seven Seasons Farm (when it comes to animals, anyway). She was the first animal we added to the farm when we moved here. She's the most loyal of all the animals.
Fitz (bottom) and Aiyla (top). These are the newest additions, and Livestock Guardians in training. Fitz is Great Pyrenees and Aiyla is Akbash.
Just a few of our ducks. There are 15 Muscovy's around here somewhere.
This is Snipe the peacock. He's a little bashful, so getting a good picture of him is tough. He's also mean, so give him some room.
This is Crimson, 100% registered Jersey cow, certified A2A2 and all around beautiful.
Hedy - the original dairy cow at Seven Seasons Farm. She's a pro, and slightly food motivated. A proven brood cow and milker.
Paisley (the big one) with Fitz and Aiyla. She's a Great Pyrenees and mentor to the puppies.
Just a few of our laying flock. These girls get all the yummy treats and special treatments
These are two of the dairy goats, Shimmer Time on the left, and Lovey Dovey on the right. Trained professionals at their job. We have two others that are first timers this year.